Shipping Policy

The Navarro College Bookstore is proud to offer you the most competitive shipping rates. All of our shipments are professionally packed to ensure the safety of your items.

Items are shipped through FedEx. We offer several options; including ground, 2 day, and overnight shipping. On average, we require a 1-2 day handling time. Shipping time frames should be calculated for Business days (Monday-Friday). Holidays, Saturdays & Sundays are not included in business shipping days and could result in delayed shipping. During August or January, delivery time may take longer.  Shipping rates for non-contiguous US states/territories and international orders are determined on an individual basis.

Please note: The Navarro College Bookstore does not ship to P.O. Boxes

Curbside Pick Up

We are now offering Curbside Pick Up when you place an order using our Online, Pick Up on location feature.

Picking Up Your Order

When you use Curbside Pick Up, getting your order is easy!

  1. Online orders can be picked up with our curbside option or shipped (if just a code you can have it emailed/texted)
  2. Curbside pickup students will park and we will have a designated parking spot coned off for curbside and a number posted to call when they arrive.